

Chess Club India Premium Blitz Arena

Sunday 2:00 pm (5 May, 2024)
Duration : 60 mins (2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)
Format : Blitz (3+0) Arena

Team Link

Tournament Link

Rank 1 : ₹1000
Rank 2 : ₹700
Rank 3 : ₹500
Rank 4 : ₹400
Rank 5 : ₹300
Rank 6 : ₹250
Rank 7 : ₹250
Rank 8 : ₹200
Rank 9 : ₹200
Rank 10: ₹200

Rank 11: ₹150
Rank 12: ₹150
Rank 13: ₹150
Rank 14: ₹150
Rank 15: ₹150
Rank 16: ₹130
Rank 17: ₹130
Rank 18: ₹130
Rank 19: ₹130
Rank 20: ₹130

Entree Fees 129/-

Before 1st May 99/-

Registration Form

Registration Deadline: 3rd May 2024

Player must have a Lichess ID with minimum 30 blitz rated games played before the
start of the tournament.

System of Play

  • Arena Format: Players can join or leave the tournament at any time.
  • Games start automatically when you are paired with an opponent.
  • Time control: 3 minutes with 0 second increment (3+0).
  • Tournament duration: 1 hour.
  • Arena Streak and Berserk are enabled.

Tournament Guidelines

  • We take fair play seriously. Anyone caught using cheats or getting help from computers will be kicked out of the competition.
  • To ensure a fair game for everyone, prizes will be awarded 48 hours after the tournament ends, following a review of all matches.
  • Please note that the organizers are not responsible for any internet connection issues you may experience during the tournament.
  • Participants will be able to join the tournament once registrations are closed.
  • We recommend joining the tournament 30 minutes before it starts to ensure a smooth start.
  • The number of participants will determine the final prize money. If there are less than 60 registered players, the organizers may need to adjust the prize pool or cancel the event entirely before 48 hours of tournament. In the case of cancellation, all entry fees will be refunded.
  • The organizers' decisions are final.

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