

Visvanathan Anand

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A Mastermind


Born on 11 December 1969, Visvanathan Anand, also know as "Vishy Anand" is an Indian GM who has had an amazing Career. Let's have a crisp look into his Career.

The Opening

Visvanathan Anand started his Chess Journey at the Age of 6. His Father is Visvanathan Iyer and his Mother is Susheela. He was the Youngest IM in India at his time and the First GM in India. Because of him, many Indians have become Inspired about Chess and the growth of Chess in India is growing Rapidly. He has won numerous amounts of Tournaments at his Young Age Including the Sub-Junior Championship with a score of 9/9 points in 1983, at age 14. And the Asian Junior Championship in Coimbatore.

The Middlegame

Vishy Anand won the 2000 Fide World Chess Championship Award against Alexie Shirov which he held till 2002. Then he became the Fourth Person in History to pass the Elo Rating of 2800 in 2006. After that he became the undisputed World Champion in 2007, and defended his title against Vladimir Kramnik in 2008, Veselin Topalov in 2010, and Boris Gelfand in 2012. But In 2013, he lost the title to challenger Magnus Carlsen, and he lost a rematch to Carlsen in 2014 after winning the 2014 Candidates Tournament.

The Endgame

After his loss in the World Chess Championship in 2014, Anand started to participate in fewer Tournaments as he started to age. Currently, he still Participates in a Few Tournament despite his Age. He had written Some Books including "Mind Master: Winning Lessons from a Champion's Life" & "My Career". He also acted in a Few Movies including "Magnus" & "Closing Gambit". Vishy Anand might be Old, but HIS LEGACY WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED.