
The Origins of RoadToFM-L

ChessChess PersonalitiesLichess
Someday I will make Lichess hompage!

The entity known as RoadToFM-L is approximately as old as our planet. His exact place of birth or date is unknown, but he is most likely from that planet in Star Trek where Spock is from. For eons he's been trying to get back to his home planet: FIDE Masterland, hence the FM-L in his name. He is an extraordinary being of near omnipotence. RoadToFM-L has been playing chess since the birth of the Roman Empire. In order to succeed in his return journey, he has to beat every single lichess account at least once in a rated game. RoadToFM-L also has like, 20 Bugatti and gives away $10,000 dollars to whoever can berserk him in ultra and win with more than 5 seconds remaining. Here's my game with him. Of course, it ended in utter defeat, but hey, you gotta try.

My alt account ;)
Please send ur games with him (or her)!