
New Chess Terminology

We are mostly familiar with chess terminology, or words to describe various situations. But sometines there is a situation that doesn't have a word to adequately describe it. So we need some new words...I will start the thread with a couple of suggestions.

Ratingist - to hold prejudice or dislike for, or to discriminate against someone based on their chess rating. Sadly, I have experienced ratingism.. Example - "You are 1300, you know literally nothing about anything!" Can be used to describe a higher-rated player's disdain of lower-rated players, or could equally be used to describe a tournament with a rating cap (thereby discriminating against higher-rated players). eg: "I can't play in that arena - it's ratingist!" Credit to @TeenageDimwit for inventing this one!

Snaccophobia - The fear and horror experienced when you play someone that is significantly lower-rated than you, and you realise you are losing, meaning you will lose A TON of rating, often responsible for otherwise inexplicable panic blunders near the end of games, and exacerbated by time trouble if you zerked against this impudent low-rated snacc!

Please feel free to add your own words and definitions below! They can be as custom and ridiculous as your imagination allows :D Thank you!
Whreckstatic - When you (an untitled player) are on the verge of defeating a titled player :)
The eeyore! When you realise in bed at night , that if you had made that move , you could've won . It's to do with pinning the tail on the donkey and hindsight xxx the eeyore makes you feel stupid and sad is very upsetting because of your missed opportunity, the eeyore....... Damn it! I could've won . I pulled an eeyore and my hindsight kicking me! xxx
Also abolish terms like 'low rated' but instead use terms like 'rating disadvantaged', 'differently abled', and so on. (Note that the term differently abled is to be used for the super GMs in the sense that they have different chess abilities than the rest of us.)
I use e-side and d-side castling to describe castling in Chess960.
@kajalmaya said in #5:
> Also abolish terms like 'low rated' but instead use terms like 'rating disadvantaged', 'differently abled', and so on. (Note that the term differently abled is to be used for the super GMs in the sense that they have different chess abilities than the rest of us.)

But what should we call you? You have literally no ratings - ratingless? :D X-rated?
You win a hard-fought game, and think that you played quite well, only to find to your horror, that you had 4 blunders in the game! - :]
castellus autoregicidus dormus - when you castle directly into mate because you were asleep...

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