
Round Robin Tournament

Hi, as far as I'm aware, it is not possible to set up a round robin tournament on LiChess.
And if that's the case, I don't see why that possibility shouldn't be implemented.
Since Covid we have moved team intern tournaments, and with few players the standard lichess system isn't so great because the same people play each other over and over (they are available at the same time for a new pairing) and the leaders sometimes don't get to play each other.
Obviously, then everybody has to wait for the round to finish, but at least allowing this option when setting up a tournament would be nice.
Maybe, also allowing non-streak rules would be cool (so players don't get 4 points if they win their third game in a row).
I have the same problem. Our chess club tries too to move into the virtual world, and LiChess is very good for this. But after our first arena tournament of our club, many players didn't like this and would prefer a good old everyone against everyone tournament. Additional just 1 point for victory, not more points for many victories in a row.
Is this a topic for your next update? Anything in the planing in this direction

Thanks for your attention
Hello @Lakis01 @Hanno111 You two can draw the pairs yourself via Swisschess or any other tournament management program. You then inform the player with the white pieces that he should challenge his opponent x with the white pieces. If one win, the winner will inform you and if the game is draw, the player with the black pieces will inform you! Just a suggestion!
thanks for that hint. I think it would be possible, but it's no more a tournament on the platform, really complicated for all player who are only very rarely here and a lot of administration.
So probable no way for us. And aren't there not a lot of other players how would prefer this kind of tournaments, especially for restricted tournaments of chess clubs?

@odoaker2015 I agree with @Hanno111 .
I also thought of this possibility, but disregarded it for the reasons he listed. Also, there are many 70+ players in my club and I think they wouldn't manage on a continuous basis to challenge each other with the right time and colour. But thanks for the suggestion :)

I'm not a coder, so maybe I can't see the inherent difficulties, but I think this option should be implemented. LiChess has the best playing interface that I am aware of and many people will now want to move their club games online
Hello, I support request for Round Robin tournament. Or if you can implement rule that two same players can play together only once in one tournament. We had to move to online server too in this virus time. In our tournament we had 8 players. I played five times and I had same opponent in three games. It is not good.
I would like to add that your server is perfect and I would like to thank you for this platform and your work. Best regards

When doing a Round robin, think of dividing the groups into 4 per table.
It's like having more than one round robin tournament at a time.

The two winners on each table move up to another table
The two draws or losers go down to another table

Basically everyone takes care of them selves.
They write down the number of games they won. If they are adults, they can write the table number, the player they played and what the result was. They put it in a basket and move to the next table.

You determine the number of times the players change tables before adding up the totals to see who won the turnament.

The same thing can be done on the internet.

Put your players in a team. Post the tables of for players. Let them deside where they want to play. The winner then send an inbox message to you to say who won. You make the pairings for the new tables. And the cycle continues for another day of fun. no software, no coding, simply you take responsibility for your pairings.

Maybe there is a way to create code for what i just said and it would be different from other sites. And it might become very useful, but I think the Lichess team has enough to do.

I asume if someone programs something up like I just said, and proposes it to Thibault he might put it under the Play tab where we see: Create a game, Tournaments, Simultaneous exhibition, (Maybe one day Round Robin Tables.)

Maybe by clicking round robin table ... a web page will open and players will join an empty table and when a table was full of players the mini-tournament would start.

Maybe it could be in the Teams section and you press a button like Team battle, but instead you get a page to pair your teams into a Double Round Robin Tournament. Image what if my last idea was done, ....
@Toscani your proposal is far too complicated! So my suggestion is easier to handle. But even my suggestion seems to be too impractical for them!
In some schools this is what happens: Round robin 4 students per table

The students sit 4 per table and the winner moves up to a more skilled table and the loser moves down towards the beginner table. Most often they have time to play three players in one hour. If they don't finish, call it a draw for the players that don't finish on time.

It's so, so, so simple ... that the kids in the elementry schools do it them selves and they try not to play the same color more than twice in one round robin table.

At the end of the period, there's a winner on every table and everyone knows where they stand among their peers.
This can be done the same way on the internet. All they need to know is who they will have to play today.

They would play 3 games per day. The next day the team leader would regroup the new players on the forum for another mini tournament. This could become a daily activity for years.

As one player drops out everyone is shuffled in order of rating and regrouped into 4 groups. The beginner table could have from 1 to 4 players. When they have a bye or time, they go to the practice section on lichess and learn some thing new while waiting or they listen to a video or do puzzles on the site.

The players must look at the forum post to see their new pairing for the day. This is why everyone must be on the same team and a time during the day must be set to start the tournaments.

I'm sure something similar could also be created so that nobody needs to pair the players.

Players would simply press a button to join the Round robin team tables and at a particular time the pairings are generated automatically into 4 per group of similar ratings according to their lichess ratings.

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