
Translating Lichess


I was wondering what the review process is like for contributing to a language translation in Lichess.

I've made quite a few additions to the Latin translation of Lichess, and corrected some as well, however, I've seen only a few of them be put in, and some seem to have been edited or changed.

It's difficult to keep track of which sentences I've already submitted for translation as well, since they remain in the "Missing Sentences" category even after submission.


Basically, Thibault will check a couple of messages through Google Translate to check they're not e.g. bad word (happens), look at other translations is any have been submitted (unlikely for Latin), and push it to the repository.

It takes a few days as it's a fairly boring process to read through translations.

But no fear, it will be pushed soon. Basically, give it a few days and go back to it later. Thanks for your work.
Thanks for adding the missing ones! Some of your changes was reverted though, another translator seemed confident the previous ones was more accurate.

You can click on each title to see the changes

Use this page to see when changes are approved, they are very likely to be active on the server if visible on that page.

When people send in addictions/corrections they get stored in a big pile, thibault tries to merge these before each server update. If there is multiple changes for the same sentence for that period he must decide which to use.

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