

I love the French defense and the Caro-kann against 1. e4. For 1. d4 I'm starting to be interested in the Nimzo-indian and the QID.
By trying to be unbiased, I would argue that the French defense is rock solid, therefore the best... And I'm not saying this because it is french :D . Also, I bet a King's Indian Defensish system can be used against various openings if you are out of theory (against 1. f4, 1. a3 and all other ridiculous moves...)
I'm sure you'll get better advice from higher rated players but you should give a try to the French defense !!!
Catalan with white and the Sicilian Dragon and Benko Gambit with Black. I like to experiment during unrated games with the Danish Gambit, the Smith-Morra Gambit, the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit with the white pieces and the Latvian Gambit and Budapest Gambit with the black pieces.
I also think that a French is good but the alekhine defence is the best for me
For the opening, the Hungarian or benko is not bad also. Or king gambit.

(You notice that I do all the time the benko)
Gambits everywhere !!! Talking about the Alekhine, I wouldn't dare play it in bullet games. Also, have you tried 1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 who is very appealing to me against players that don't play e5 ?
i play almost everytime benko, finchetto king, hungarian (it the same) or rarelyn king gambit
I think Alekhine is everywhere good ;)
Zukertort. Works pretty well. Lets me transition pretty quickly. Pretty consistently works against Dragibus ;)
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English Opening,
I am middle in this game but when I am in 100%,my fantasy goes 2000's peak,
With black Sicilian and Philidor Defense but I like to play by white,
Here on Lichess and in out Team are amazing Players,
Their openings are for me amazing
For white I like to play the english but I am also getting deep into ruy lopez, the closed position is nice. for black I will go with sicilian or pirc for e4 and KID for d4, although I have been known to play a semislav at times.

Check out the Sicilian, kramnik variation for white, you wont regret it.

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