
Surprising game study in personal "activity" report

Hi all,

I don't know how to describe this properly but I'll give it a try:

I just discovered the notification [Kwatschewsky] "created a game study" in my activity report of today. However, I'm very, very sure that I didn't!

The study ( contains an older game of mine, but while I remember all the bullett games I played today, I definitely do not remember having created this study. Sounds weird? Maybe somebody has a clue...
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Thanks for the answers!

@MenacingFierceTiger: Good to hear. In my case, however, I did not even edit a study - I did absolutely nothing about it.

@TheKingClash: Updating the security settings is always a good thing, thanks for the link. If I would hack an account, however, creating a new game study would hardly be the first thing coming to my mind :)

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