
Why do cheaters cheat?

> The key element behind all of this is dopamine.

Why not ketamine (dissociation from reality) or other chemicals?
Why do cheaters cheat? It's a choice, like moving a piece. Why do players move a piece? Because they can. To maintain some integrity in the game, the pairing system needs an extra criteria to prevent the violation of fair play.

The real problem is not why a player does what they do. The problem is in the pairing of the players. Using only the rating is not enough for fair play. If we cannot prevent a player from using assistance, we could try pairing players also by their chess profiles. The rating is not enough, it needs to include some part of a match between chess insights.

The solution is out there and no algorithm will remove the human choices of using assistance or not. We just have to better the pairing methods. Two identical ratings will never make identical players. Fair play will come as profiles are used to assist in the pairings. The level of integrity of each chess player is reflected in their chess insight profiles.
cheaters, once detected, need psychoIogicaI heIp.An instant ban by the server is not the right way .The cheater must get one more chance, a chance to refIect his misbehaviour,think about it,and must promise he wiII never cheat again. We need a psychoIogic section at Iichess, for misIeaded pIayers that have probIems not oniy with cheating but pIaying too much,PIaying addiction, etc. They deserve our speciaI attention, to get theminto the right way again.
A chess site is not qualified to provide counseling for cheaters, especially minors. The immediate consequences and timing of addressing cheating incidents are crucial for teaching right from wrong. Any leniency or special treatment should remain private on a need-to-know basis. Players do not need to know who got banned - a closed account is simply a closed account regardless of the reason. Having a default "do not need to know" setting could be beneficial to maintain privacy around such incidents.
Hello @LStein, You have a great point to make there. I also believe that cheater should have a second chance to reflect, and there also shouldn't be a immediate ban. But, @Toscani, I also believe that lichess is also not qualified to provide counseling and that cheaters should go seek professional help from a medical professional!

I appreciate both your posts.

Have a good day!