
Is playing bullet worth it?

If chess is to fast does it even help you with actual chess........ does it actually make u worse?
I am gonna bite the bullet (lol) and say that it is always the postmortem study that counts, no matter what the time frame is. Postmortem study can potentially improve your chess in general, aside from actually playing the game. But to clarify, if the question is will a lot of bullet make your classical worse? For me, that is the same question as to why my bullet rating is only 1500 even though my rapid is 2000. The player's pool is just different. There is no point to compare those.
It may make you worse if instills habit moving quickly. Unlikely to make you a better player on sensical time limit. No way you can learn to analyse position if you don't do it.

But it is worth if it is what you wanna play.
the fun in bullet is intuition and predicting moves, with a bit of fast everything else: positional + tactics.. good fun is all it is really. do what you want with it. time for me to play slower and learn some. x
I feel like 1+0 bullet is just for fun and you can’t get much practice out of it, but 2+1 can help you to not second guess your moves. 2+1 is enough time to think, but not enough time to second guess your moves that leads down a overly passive road. Chess needs a balance everything, for example, the amount of passiveness and the right amount of aggressiveness in your game. You shouldn’t always play bullet though. You also need to practice slower chess (like rapid or blitz) to help your calculating skills and to again, balance your skills out.

In conclusion, 2+1 bullet is good for not second guessing your moves and helps balance your skills out, but 1+0 bullet is just mainly for fun.
Пуля полезна для тренировки игры в цейтноте, для понимания темпераментов холерика и сангвиника, умения быстрого реагирования по жизни. Понимание возникает при анализе партий, оценке своих решений по жизни.
@Williamli2012 said in #1:
> If chess is to fast does it even help you with actual chess........ does it actually make u worse?

Bullet help me to practice and memorize openings very fast. It's also a good thing to train how to manage your time well. Bullet is also nice to improve your tactical vision.
@Williamli2012 said in #1:
> If chess is to fast does it even help you with actual chess........ does it actually make u worse?

It is good for improving your positional play
Those 10 or 15 minute games have value, I feel. 5 and 3 minute games are not for learning or improving. Usually when you see people playing those on YouTube both players know the lines well into all the book moves. Most people here start out with no sense of any lines other than the scholars mate and are just trying to win by the clock. If you are trying to figure out a new line real fast it might be useful to play a bunch of short games and not be worried about winning or losing. Just trying to see how people respond to the line, to improve slower games that require analysis.

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