
UI bug with in game chat

I have reported this already but nothing changes and then I report it again.

On mobile with chrome, frequently happened that the focus remains locked on the input used to enter messages in chat.
That happens only after chat is used.

If that happens, after each move the page will automatically scroll to the iniutbox, making the chessboard exit the part of the page rendered onto the screen.

In short time control this is an issue, and persist among games.
The only solution i found is to close tab and open new one
I have dealt with this issue a number of times. It can be quite maddening.

I believe it is due in part to the chat box remaining active (you can see a blinking cursor). I have found that touching an area just outside of the chat box deactivates it and the problem goes away. Still not an ideal experience but at least that should be quicker than closing and opening a new tab.
this sounds like a Chrome "problem", not a lichess problem... that said, that's not a problem, that's intended behavior. As #2 said, just touch elsewhere. (this is true on lichess and any other site where you want to get out of a text input in Chrome)

Also a brand new app is coming
@Patrizsche said in #3:
> this sounds like a Chrome "problem", not a lichess problem... that said, that's not a problem, that's intended behavior. As #2 said, just touch elsewhere. (this is true on lichess and any other site where you want to get out of a text input in Chrome)
> Also a brand new app is coming

I said Chrome to give context to developer. I have not tested with Safari or Firefox, if the same behaviour happens also here it's not a browser specific issue.

Thanks for the work around I will try, but you have to agree that it's not normal behaviour, that the focus on a field persist among many games and page changes (I believe this is more like a single page application, but hope you have understood what I mean)

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