
Can You Become a Great Player Later in Life

of course Id keep playing either way, just wondering if any gm had started relatively late.
not really an answer to the question?
Besides nobody will ever be Fischer or Carlsen except Fischer and Carlsen.
Clearly #13 didn't mean being the same person as those two, or being a clone or something (LOL!), they probably meant becoming the World Champion...
I think Dionysus_god meant that the one who become a GM in later life will never be World Champion or close to it.
makes sense to me!
world champions are few and far between and the current top 10 are very strong
No one will become a GM, except him/her was a FM, an IM before. Kids? Prodigies? Watch out, guys, enjoy chess..., the only thing you can get from Bobby Fischer is his paranoia.

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