
IAF electoral poll

Will there be a thread where we can ask questions to the nominees?
Might I also suggest for whoever becomes president needs an active role in promoting the IAF Antichess World Championship?

Survey results have shown that from all people who completed the survey (53 people) 22% did not know about the IAF Antichess World Championship. As organizers we want to lower this percentage, and we would want a president that does not shy away from sending team messages throughout the IAF Lichess teams. So that more people know about this event.
I sent team messages to the IAF team in which I promoted the tournament
I will take care of this in the future even if I will not run for the presidency
at the presidency, as I said before, I wholeheartedly support @bwmtone
there will be a forum in December where candidates will have the opportunity to write what they have done and what they want to do for antichess as a promotion

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