
Proposal: Organizer Award

Dear all,

lichess is a wonderful place to play chess. During the years of its existence, it has evolved innumerable features, ideas and even versions to play chess!

I am sure that all of us agree that this would have been impossible without all of these guys that commit themselves to organize tournaments, bringing together people from different continents, time zones, religious believes and political parties. Stady as the tides, these guys organize tournaments month per month, week per week and - probably - in some cases even day per day.

E.g., I'm thinking of @DoubleBass, who created during the pandemia and invites to his tournament every Tuesday evening. Compared to a Titled Arena, these tournaments are tiny - but for me, they have become a home. Or think about the much better known @jeffforever, who created the lichess Bundesliga! I'm sure there are many more such fellows!

Shouldn't there be some way to honor these efforts? Some award, some special status (similar to "Patron")? I think so. What is your opinion?

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