
Bullet chess takes the most skill?

Since time is now a huge factor, bullet chess = Skill + Reflexes/thinking speed + ability to handle pressure.
Um no. Learning how to operate a mouse well is definitely easier than learning how to play really strong chess.
Bullet does take quite a lot of skill to be performed well, but general chess knowledge and skill helps a lot.

I can't imagine thinking that winning 0+1 chess by moving quickly, yet blundering pieces every other move is a demonstration of overall chess skill. Bullet is a category on its own, and requires an additional set of skills than other time controls.
Bullet mostly takes speed and tactics. Endgame knowledge is also pretty useful, imo. Lastly come strategic and positional play I think..
How much strategy or positional play is involved in a 0+1 game?
Lol. At the end there I was going for a draw as well as I was too slow :) Don't be so sore, you hold the draw. Good game there ;)
I think the reason why positional play is not as important is because it takes too much time to come up with a plan. You have to trade trade trade and hope for a good tactic or winning position to come up.

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