
New feature: more user stats!

I think the UI to access it should be bit improved, not obvious at all clicking on the variant icons will do anything!
you shoud try cliking everywhere, there is even mortal combat easter egg :D
This is a nice feature thanks.

There seems to be a bug, under BEST RATED VICTORIES, when you click the link, you will be brought to a casual game.
nice feature, should have been there since ever but it would be also nice to have this feature for training section as well.
#20: I agree.
E.g. a "Lowest rating after rating is established" might make more sense?
I guess in most cases (and if you are > 1500) the current information is derived from the beginning of your "lichess career", when you push your rating quite fast to your level... not necessary and not correct, as I never played like "LOWEST RATING: 1665" since I have started playing here. ;-)
this is simply amazing.. and it was much needed though ;)
thanks alot :D

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