
Why do you(or don't) play chess variants?

I'm just curious to know what your favorite chess variant is and why you love it (and whether you like chess or the variant more), if you don't like some chess variant, you're welcome to tell us about your reasons too
Many of the chess variants are undoubtedly just as worthy as the classical game but I don't play them because I've spent more than 40 years studying the normal game, still have so much to learn about that, and don't want to "start again". If I was starting out now I probably would try many of the variants, but as it is I won't.
Chess960 feels worthwhile for tactics but most variants in general seem like a waste
I don't, because chess alone is difficult enough, and I really suck at it. I like the idea of chess 960, though.
It depends on how different the variant is from regular chess. I know that chess960's 518 setup is used very often throughout the chess world, whereas antichess is pretty much the total opposite of regular chess.
I don't, because there's only so many hours in the day and so many days in a life, and I haven't even stopped sucking at normal chess yet.
Personally, I find all chess variants cool and respectable, but my favorite is antichess, the reason I like it is that I simply find myself to be good at it, I think it's easy to be studied too (even more than chess) and it's not as complicated as crazyhouse or horde, this combination of being easy and fun is the reason antichess appeals to me
@LichLegend said in #4:
> Chess960 feels worthwhile for tactics but most variants in general seem like a waste

how rude

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