
mutiple/stacking pre-moves

would be nice to be able to stack pre-moves maybe up to 10 or so.

thank you for your time and consideration.
I do see the point, however this is non-trivial to implement, and not so much player would benefit of it. As a result it's quite low on my priority list, I'm afraid.
Once I used an interface that allowed double premoves but I never used it. I just don`t think it`s necessary. One at a time is all you need to not lose on time when you have only 1 second to deliver a mate in 5 and you know how to do it.
By the way: There`s one place where premoves are considered cheat. They say that "the comp is making the move for you". I don`t agree with that. In a 60 moves game you end up making 60 moves anyway, even if some of them are premoves or double premoves. Since you figured the moves by yourself, it can`t be considered cheat.

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