
Playing with one has provisional rating

Hello all,

I am very tired of cheater persons, especially the new accounts can use cheat easily. and I don't want to play somebody has provisional rating. As far as I know, lichess hasn't have this feature, let me know if I am wrong. Is this suggestion fair or not, good or bad? Possible or not? What are your ideas?

Play in tournaments, then you play no new accounts, as there is a required minimum number of games before being allowed to play a tournament. However, there are cheaters in tournaments too, though they have established ratings. You can seek players with rating above 1501 or below 1499 to avoid the newbies that start at 1500. I find the suggestion unfair and bad. If everybody would do that and avoid playing new accounts, then people with a new account cannot play any games. When you were a new account, people had to play you.
Thanks for the answer. Sometimes you can see a player has 1800? points , so your suggestion not enough. Playing in tournaments may solve the problem but here I believe there are many players who dont want to play in tournaments. Also, the newbies can play other players or themselves.

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