
I believe in angels and I hope to inspire you...

wow...really got inspired sir..thanks for sharing this...i dont love reading ...but this article couldnt stop me ! I surely will checkout CHESSMOOD
This is known as the journey. There would be ups and downs, but thing is never give up, believe in god, and just following this saying :- "Focus on karma, the better the karma, better the results".
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) the normal human cannot play poker at a level where they have the confidence to gamble 2 months company salaries. Regular humans require consistency and stability, we are not gamblers. But ok... I feel inspired
I’m confused why do u believe in angels. U haven’t seen one.
Seems like you are a pretty good writer too, not only chess and poker player :)
The article was great, I do recommend everyone to check out your website; haven't used it yet (haven't used almost any such websites yet), but after reading your story, it does deserve at least a visit. <3
Who has read the whole story? Please short it down for me to max 2 pages :)