
Search "user:GrandPatzerDave"

110 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Timestamps for chat messages#1

I think it'd be nice if a timestamp would pop up if you hover over a chat message, similar to how a variant rating box/profile summary pops up if you hover over the person's name. Thoughts?

General Chess Discussion - Lichess: Year in Review 2023#22

Interesting that there was no mention of the hackneyed virtue-signaling boycott of STLCC.

General Chess Discussion - English Opening#5

Even if the board's not quite level, as long as the pieces stay in place all is good.

General Chess Discussion - Is it wrong to let a Low rated player beat you (in casual) Just to troll#10

You topic title "... Just to troll" reveals your motivation. That's what wrong, your malicious motivation.

General Chess Discussion - Best New Chess Commentator of 2023 !?!!!!!#4

She did an *amazing* job commentating on London, all by herself!

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General Chess Discussion - Conversion of a Dubrovnik Chess Set for the Millennium T55/ Mephisto Phoenix#2

Great build! I would have ended up with pieces glued to my head and my face to the board along with stitches and a small fire.

General Chess Discussion - Jimmy Hendrix of chess#3

@benjialextie said in #1: > I have a question. Can someone become a great chess player just through sheer practice and love for the game ? Rather than actually devoting time to learn tactics and openi…

General Chess Discussion - What do you think of this chess comedy?#3

Cute! Such fun!

General Chess Discussion - Sinquefield Cup#4

@Eireahmhon said in #1: > Anyone know why it's not broadcasted on lichess? Why? At this point it's just petty virtue signaling on the part of lichess. But they're quite happy to broadcast tournaments …
