
Search "user:Spiritchaser84"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Glicko-2 #15

I misread who was white and black apparently. Oops! Ignore me...

LM Spiritchaser84
General Chess Discussion - Glicko-2 #13

Since no one has pointed out the obvious played quite terribly. Upon first view, I thought black was the lower rated player and then did a double take about 10 moves in when I saw black was …

LM Spiritchaser84
Lichess Feedback - Filter for avoiding players playing their first games?#1

Could you add a filter to block players that are still in their trial rating period? I tend to play against players of all ratings, but it's somewhat annoying to play against 1500 (brand new) players …

LM Spiritchaser84
Lichess Feedback - Training#18

Someone just made a post about this on r/chess on reddit. Figured I'd crosspost my comments there to this thread. Not sure if you guys read stuff there but there's lots of lichess fans on reddit. 1. A…

LM Spiritchaser84