
Winawer Counter-Gambit

1 • GBA87 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. GBA87

Game study

2 • GBA87 •
  1. Mouly_Taha - GBA87
  1. GBA87


383 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Classical Variation
  3. Karpov Variation
  4. 4...Nf6
  1. Water_Flame
  2. IM mysterious_expert
  3. juani97
  4. SirDillyMoves

Game study

4 • GBA87 •
  1. GBA87 - FunnyAnimatorJimTV
  1. GBA87
  2. FunnyAnimatorJimTV


27 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main line
  3. Rubinstein's Sharp
  4. Scotch Variation
  1. Water_Flame
  2. juani97
  3. SirDillyMoves
  4. achja


43 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. 5.Bxf7
  3. 5.Nxf7, Part I
  4. 5.Nxf7, Part II
  1. Water_Flame
  2. Capasmyslov
  3. juani97
  4. SirDillyMoves

Evans🎁📚Gambit🔋🔌, Updated🔑🔑

286 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Basic ideas
  3. Black plays 5...Ba5
  4. Black plays 5...Bd6
  1. Water_Flame
  2. Chess-Guy123
  3. Capasmyslov
  4. the_loving_boy

Picking an opening for your style👍👍👍👍👍

1237 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Openings for tactical players Part I: Sicilian Defense
  3. Openings for tactical players Part II: Evans Gambit
  4. Openings for tactical players Part III: Scotch
  1. Water_Flame
  2. SirDillyMoves
  3. FunnyAnimatorJimTV
  4. rizka10


48 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main line
  3. Old Line
  4. 5...b6
  1. Water_Flame
  2. BlindlyZerking
  3. juani97
  4. SirDillyMoves

Slav😇🔔Defense🎩🎆, Updated🆙⬆

169 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main line
  3. 6.Ne5
  4. 8...0-0
  1. Water_Flame
  2. Capasmyslov
  3. SirDillyMoves
  4. StevenEmily


44 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Original Main Line
  3. Improved Main Line (Fritz Attack)
  4. 5...Bg7
  1. Water_Flame
  2. juani97
  3. SirDillyMoves
  4. StevenEmily

The Budapest💰🎲Gambit🔬🔦

245 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Budapest Gambit Accepted
  3. Budapest Gambit Returned
  4. Budapest Gambit Declined
  1. Water_Flame
  2. Capasmyslov
  3. the_loving_boy
  4. SirDillyMoves

The Italian 🍕🎏 Game📯🎯

177 • GBA87 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Giuoco Piano
  3. Quiet Variation
  4. Classical Variation
  1. Water_Flame
  2. nidav000
  3. Capasmyslov
  4. chessguy123

1.e4👑💪 v. 1.d4👍🐲

58 • GBA87 •
  1. The Debate
  2. 1.e4
  3. 1...e5
  4. 1...c5 (Sicilian)
  1. GBA87

Opening Traps Training

18 • GBA87 •
  1. Mortimer Trap
  2. Trap in the Albin-counter gambit
  3. Legal's Trap
  4. Weird trap
  1. DeepBomb
  2. Capasmyslov
  3. SlicingBishop2006
  4. themeat101

GBA87's Best Games

17 • GBA87 •
  1. GBA87 - sugan
  2. GBA87 - Razzleberry
  3. im2high4this - GBA87
  4. Josiah - GBA87
  1. Water_Flame
  2. DeepBomb
  3. Capasmyslov
  4. the_loving_boy