
How AmazingGirl2021 meets Horsey (and Jumpsey)

My First Blog

One day, I was playing amazing chess and she won a few games. That same day me and Horsey went shopping to get a chess board. So, then I bought a chess board! I put the chess board in my shopping cart. Suddenly, I saw someone stealing my chess board! Then, Horsey caught the robber! Yay! Then, I asked if Horsey could play a game with me and Horsey said yes. Then, Horsey introduced me to Jumpsey! Jumpsey told me that this whole story was a game! The robber was my opponent trying to steal my pieces! Luckily, Horsey was there and he was the knight in range of my opponent! I didn't know that life incidents could become games! Then, I realized that yesterday I had signed up for a hard tournament and this was my first game! I suddenly realized that I needed to be careful! The same carefulness that people use in real life could be applied to chess! Maybe if I had been aware I wouldn't have done such a big blunder of letting my pieces get captured!