
2200 rating celebration

One year ago I started playing chess as a lowly 1200 pepega. 3400 games later and waaaaaaaay too much youtube I have finally achieved my goal of 2200. To say I'm super stoked right now would be putting it a bit mild.
Awesome! Cheers to your continued improvement!

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You succeeded in becoming better than 98.6% of rapid players on Lichess in less than one year.
A phenomenal achievement! You may very well become a titled player in no time at all!
Keep us posted about your OTB journey.

Regards, Pix.
Wow that is very impressive. I would go as far as to say you have an inate talent or ability for understanding and taking in chess idea's beyond what is remotely normal.

This level of improvement in one year is extremely rare.
Congradulations and welcome to the rarified air.

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