
2 apparent bugs, recognising Ruy Lopez Chigorin and display of advantage

First, when you manually enter the Ruy Lopez Chigorin variation on the analysis board, it doesn't recognise it, however when you open a study on it it does.

Also on my android app, when I request analysis after a game, the advantage graph throughout the game doesn't appear, I have to move to another section and then back for it to appear
@hoggy Can't speak to the second issue, but I just tested the Ruy Lopez problem in the analysis board. After 11...Qc7, opening explorer shows "C97 Ruy Lopez: Closed, Chigorin Defense". This was true both for manually moving the pieces and for importing a PGN.
Did you input the moves in the correct order on the analysis board?
I have the same issue with the analysis graph on my Android device. It's a minor inconvenience at worst, so I've never bothered reporting it.

As for the opening book, I've seen the same kind of problem reported with C77 openings, where the analysis board identifies only the less-specific C70. Interestingly, another Ruy Lopez variation.

@clousems I don't think move order should matter much, as I often see my own Benoni games change to English in the analysis if my opponent plays c4. I believe it goes by the last recognizable position.
I meant more along the lines of "was there a misplaced pawn that prevented the position from being the Chigorin?"
Interesting, it was same move order as the study I found.. wrote it on paper to double and triple check.. curious @clousems

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 O-O 8. c3 d6 9. h3 Na5 10. Bc2 c5 11. d4 Qc7

Btw sometimes an incorrect move order involves a mistake, so it's good to know when you're playing an opening wrong @phoenixshade

Yeah phoenix it's a minor issue but new players might be missing out on that feature not realising it was there, so I thought worth mentioning
@hoggy I wasn't saying that move order does not matter in openings AT ALL; I'm saying that for the purposes of identifying an opening position achieved on the board, it doesn't matter.

But yeah, many an early tactic stems from an incorrect move order. But the position on the board in such a case never makes it to the standard ECO position that the erring player was trying to reach...
So do the creators see bug reports here?
They do look here; I've seen Thibault comment here before or react to posts. (He's even thumbed-up at least one of mine.) Besides that, there are moderators here who take note and post reports on GitHub, where they can be prioritized and developers have easy access to current issues.

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