
i drew a match with stockfish level 8 (unbelievable) !!

I am an intermediate chess player

I am still surprised as to how I drew with stockfish 8 (Lichess rating 3000) in a correspondence match...
I think stockfished blundered as black (move 20 Rxd2) I was surprised when stockfish played that move instead of Ne3 check, deadly fork, which crushes white.
It is impossible for me to draw with a 3000 rated Machine

Weird blunder by Stockfish. I am curious, why does it say "takeback accepted" so often in the game's chat?
congratulations pal, you have high persuade skill to convince chess progam to take back a move.
@manu07 said in #1:
> I am an intermediate chess player
> I am still surprised as to how I drew with stockfish 8 (Lichess rating 3000) in a correspondence match...
> I think stockfished blundered as black (move 20 Rxd2) I was surprised when stockfish played that move instead of Ne3 check, deadly fork, which crushes white.
> It is impossible for me to draw with a 3000 rated Machine

This should not be written here
It should be in analysing games
I was about to say impressive and then I read #2 and laughed my a off XDD
So half of the game was takebacks. Should we presume the other half were suggestions by stockfish on another device?
4 years ago when I was a beginner I defeated Stockfish level 8.
As far as I remember, I had offered 70 odd takebacks.

Your story is same. Nothing new!

Anyone can win with highest level of engine with any number of takebacks.

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