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General Chess Discussion - The Lucena position#4

The bridge is built on the 4th rank. If it’s built on the 5th rank the weaker side can try R vs. Q by attacking the R with the King there. Bad news: The stronger side can still go back with the R and …

CM Sarg0n
Game analysis - The Czech rules#7

Probably not, at least not soon by me. Maybe a Short and Sweet version also in German is feasible. But also later. I wonder if an AI could do the translation?

CM Sarg0n
Game analysis - The Czech rules#4

Actually I have my contracts... so I cannot publish the full monty here^^

CM Sarg0n
Game analysis - The Czech rules#2

Btw, a Chessable course in German is coming soon. 600 variants, 25 hours of video content, 50.000 words of accompanying texts. Stay tuned!

CM Sarg0n
General Chess Discussion - Are we dealing with ranking deflation here?#8

You mean the inflation turns normal?

CM Sarg0n
Game analysis - The Czech rules#1

Black was one of the betatesters of my course. Well done! The pawn win in highly undesirable for White but White was unaware obviously.…

CM Sarg0n
General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on the queen's indian accelerated?#4

15-20 years ago I was thinking about, too. It‘s hardly refutable and should be ok in the majority of cases.

CM Sarg0n
General Chess Discussion - OTB Tournament Preparation#2

Just play. This tournament will be the prep for the next one.

CM Sarg0n
General Chess Discussion - Mate-o-check#2

Check yourself, mate. @Sabareesh_1

CM Sarg0n
General Chess Discussion - what if my opponent copy all my move#5

Remind him of the copyright!

CM Sarg0n