
Search "user:collieman"

8 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - following#1

Why do players follow another player? I just saw that I am being followed. I don't know why they would follow me as they surely aren't going to learn anything from me.

General Chess Discussion - Why does my rating go up when I lose?#14

I've noticed that 792 is the lowest in blitz. I wonder what my real rating is as I've lost "quite" a few but the rating goes up. I figure around 600 but I guess I'll never know.

General Chess Discussion - Why does my rating go up when I lose?#12

I have never heard of Biddalonian chess.

General Chess Discussion - Why does my rating go up when I lose?#11

When I lose my rating stays the same OR goes up even with a lower rated player. It's been like that for quite a while.

General Chess Discussion - Why does my rating go up when I lose?#4

Pica_pica, I told the wife that someone will have a smart... answer and that was you. Congratulations.

General Chess Discussion - Tell me the biggest chess mistake you have ever made...#5

Learning how to play the game in the first place.

General Chess Discussion - Why does my rating go up when I lose?#1

I have noticed that my rating goes UP when I lose. It also goes up if I win. Why? I'm NEVER paired with an opponent of my rating or below. Does that have anything to do with it?
