
Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.

#18 - let him do live commentary in his own native language for the time control he has been 2400+ in. I am curious what our native Spanish players will get from it.
#18 btw, No shame in losing to someone who plays 3 minute chess apparently with an average of 24, 26 and 28 centipawn loss as the analysis shows (and remember to note the openings were played like garbage as well - which would increase centipawn loss from these base values) :
LM Dr-Zaitzev (2380)+9
4 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
24 Average centipawn loss
0 Inaccuracies
1 Mistakes
0 Blunders
26 Average centipawn loss
2 Mistakes
0 Blunders
28 Average centipawn loss
Actually I agree with KC, the commentary sounds like not someone over 2000, for example at around 10 minutes, his comments on the deep e3 pawn are quite strange and vacuous, while not saying something informative like how Qc1 fails to pick up the pawn due to the tactical ...Nd4 defence
#23 Personally insult me as much and as long as you want. Go for it. He started this thread - and he could have let the site investigate him like other reports. But no - he starts streaming pure irrleevant garbage instead. When the truth is on your side, it is kind of on your side. That is a basic fact really. I did not mention him explicitly in a forum post yesterday and said instead ther was someone I was 85%+ sure was somehow making use of engines. That percentage confidence is now over 90% hearing these ridiculous livestream comments.

Where is the "live commentary" exactly - how comes it is apparently copyright violations and cannot be heard anymore on his twitch channel?!
I am still willing to have "reasonable doubt" he could be an FM with a low bullet rating as he mentioned to me - and has not apparently got his FM title. The thing is about that btw is that you don't need any norms - you just need to be over 2300 on a published list. I have seen him having a FIDE rating on another site approaching 2300, which stll leaves me with "reasonable doubt" of 10% so far left.

However, the commentaries for me do nothing as presented here.
#24 Yes, Matt- this is a guy who was 2400+ on the Marathon just gone which was a 3 minute time control. For someone to play at 2400+ level on 3 minute chess does often mean they are very good calculators,etc and very fast thinkers. I am not really getting that impression from the commentary given. I hope he does some native Spanish ones for "live commentary".
Nice one CM. Engines are engines and humans are humans. no doubt that you are absolutely right.
Just to be clear: In the UK legal system we have the concept of "reasonable doubt". I still have "reasonable doubt" about the player (about 10%). Just that the commentary doesn't provide evidence in my view for him. I also hope he will let the site simply investigate him as one of the many reports I am sure they are asked to investigate. That I mentioned something on livestream was also with "reasonable doubt".

So the question is - am I not allowed during a marathon event to express doubts about players or not!? If the site ;policy wants to clarify that point - I will adhere to it as much as humanly possible in my future livestreams.
if they are good in bullet. then they are good in chess. they are real chess players.

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