
Will I always reside below 1400?

I'm 27 and I started studying chess exactly 13 months ago. When I started, I was around 900 quality. I study at least 1 hour a day (many days with 4-6 hours of study) and I feel around 1500-1600 OTB now, and 2000ish Tactically. This site has me around 1850 which is... a little inflated given my opponents.

How do I study?

OPENING STUDY (Every single game has an opening)

I picked an opener (1. d4) and played a ton of games against the AI just to feel it out. Then I watched ChessNetwork's coverage of games that use 1. d4 Then I wikipedia'd 1. d4 to understand some variations, and I picked the Queen's Gambit to start studying. I practiced QGA (Accepted) first, studied the common replies and traps and ideas associated with it (More internet + videos)... then I switched to QGD (Declined) where I noticed a LOT of variations start occurring. I picked to study the Slav Defense because the computer I played loves it, so naturally I wanted to learn how to beat it. I practiced for 1 hour for every 1 hour of study, to see if I could implement my moves.

I did that for many 1. d4 variations.

Then I started reviewing master games of 1. d4 to see what kind of positions will arise, and the tactics that can unfold.

Then I started analyzing my 1. d4 games to see where I could make minor improvements with certain varations (building my opening repertoire) using the Free Lichess Analysis Board Tool.

After about 6 months of 1. d4 training, I decided to flip it around and learn the King's Indian Defense (KID) black's response to 1. d4.... because I really really like d4 compared to e4... and the KID is a great structure that I like.

I looked up the variations, I studied ChessNetwork videos, I looked up Master Games about KID, I tried to understand what it's doing...

I feel like I have a really solid pre-expert understanding of 1. d4 now, having looked at it from both sides extensively. Very soon I will make the switch to 1. e4 and start learning the major White variations (Ruy Lopez, Italian Game, Spanish Game) and the major tactics / traps (Fried Liver Attack, Scholar's Mate, etc) and eventually the Black responses to each.

MIDDLE GAME STUDY (Every game has one if you dont blunder Opener)

25 Tactical Puzzles a day. I exploded in rating once I really worked hard on puzzles (I peaked at 2000 on my 600th puzzle). I cannot emphasize this enough. YOU NEED TO DO PUZZLES.

Puzzles will help you identify key tactics, it will turn you into a tactical monster. This is essential for dominating the Middle Game, building your tactical theory, and recognizing complex Mates.

END GAME STUDY (Advanced, not every game reaches End Game)

Eventually you'll need to start understanding End Game, and that's a combination of Puzzles + Theory.... Recognizing key techniques and understanding a half-dozen more chess terms (Zugzwang, Triangulation, Passed Pawn, etc) Don't worry about this for now, but if you're bored of Opening / Middle Game... you should check em out. Eventually you'll need to know how to mate with various pieces left.

TL;DR - Pick an opener and research it and practice it. Puzzles every day.
@Olesma #1

Hi, goedemiddag !

Do tactics mainly on, the best tactics server.

Have you been studying chess intensively ? Reading books, watching videos, analysing games yourself, with friends or at a chessclub ?
Going through annotated chess games from books and magazines has given me many ideas and taught me a lot through the years.

Did you get your games analysed by a stronger chess player ?
A stronger chess player, and a good coach can point out your weak and strong chess skills and make suggestions for improvements.

Also, you must find a balance between study, exercise, and playing.

My impression from your post is that you must study.
Only puzzles will not get you very far if your openings, middlegame and endgame is lacking.

Feel free to join my chess study group :

We play vote chess matches to learn, and there's hundreds of useful forum posts.

Good luck. Enjoy your chess ! :)

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