
Anyone want to coach someone with brain disorder (no memory and bad overview of moves and position)?

Hi, I have elo rating of 2000+ and I would like to improve my skills to 2200, because of my brain disorders I have difficulties and can not memorize openings and have a bad overview of possible moves and positions, so I would need many games with the high-level player to have this memorized by subconscious, and during this games, I would need explanation and logic behind these moves and to have an eye (overview) which opened possibilities during the game.
The problem with learning through an AI engine is that it does not have natural human thinking so it is hard to learn from it unless you have great brain function and you are on high-level chess, I have been watching some player on Twitch and see how he thinks, but simply he has way better memory and overview, he sees potential moves while I have to calculate for small ones. I think I have small working memory like on a computer, which we can not change, but we can change the software.
I need to play antichess as part of rehabilitation for my brain, as a training program for me. Regular chess is overcomplicated.
Kind regards

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