
*What Do You Believe Is The True Meaning Of Life?

*What Do You Believe Is The True Meaning Of Life?

Here's Patricia Fleming's take on the true meaning of life...


The years have passed by
In the blink of an eye
Moments of sadness
And joy have flown by.

People I loved
Have come and have gone
But the world never stopped
And we all carried on.

Life wasn't easy
And the struggles were there
Filled with times that it mattered
Times I just didn't care.

I stood on my own
And I still found my way
Through some nights filled with tears
And the dawn of new days.

And now with old age
It's become very clear
Things I once found important
Were not why I was here.

And how many things
That I managed to buy
Were never what made me
Feel better inside.

And the worries and fears
That plagued me each day
In the end of it all
Would just fade away.

But how much I reached out
To others when needed
Would be the true measure
Of how I succeeded.

And how much I shared
Of my soul and my heart
Would ultimately be
What set me apart.

And what's really important
Is my opinion of me
And whether or not
I'm the best I can be.

And how much more kindness
And love I can show
Before the Lord tells me
It's my time to go.


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Yes the meaning of life to help create heaven on earth.
A man can suffer any how if he has a why . Why do I stay? For love of my neighbour.
Why ? for love because we are created with love by God to love one another and to be good to one another anything else is the devil getting involved and then you are losing the way. ...... War being one xxx
Modos, please, make a detector so people don't create forums with easy answers like this one.
"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations".
the meaning of life is to post the same thread on lichess expecting a different answer.

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