
What comes after death...

What comes after death ? Clinically speaking ...'Rigor Mortis' - :]
In addition to rigor mortis, there are several other stages associated with the process of death:

- Pallor Mortis: This is the first stage and occurs immediately after death. It refers to the paleness of the skin due to reduced blood circulation.
Algor Mortis: Also known as the “death chill,” this stage involves the gradual cooling of the body temperature after death. The body loses heat until it reaches the ambient temperature.
Livor Mortis: During this stage, blood settles in the lowest parts of the body due to gravity. This results in a purplish discoloration of the skin, known as lividity.
Decomposition: Decomposition is a complex process involving the breakdown of tissues by enzymes and bacteria. It leads to the release of gases, bloating, and the eventual breakdown of organs and tissues.
Putrefaction: Putrefaction is the stage where the body begins to emit a foul odor due to the breakdown of proteins and the release of gases like hydrogen sulfide.
Autolysis: Autolysis refers to the self-digestion of cells by their own enzymes. It contributes to the overall breakdown of tissues during decomposition. -
Death is exactly like having your spaceship enter the event horizon of a massive black hole. Your curiousity of what it is like will finally be satisfied! Unfortunately, there is no way to report back to the rest of us what it is like!
well it depends if you are Christian. i know there a are different beliefs and all but really Christianity is the true one. if you are Christian you will go to heaven and live forever with god where there will be no crying no sadness no fighting or any bad thing. But otherwise you will go to hell and live in torment forever. i know it sounds crazy but its true and u got to believe that. Here are some steps to becoming a Christian: its as easy as ABC. A: Admit you are a sinner and repent and ask god to forgive you. B: Believe that God created us and wants to love us and that he died on the cross and rose again to save us. C: Confess that you are a sinner and turn your life around and maybe find a church or something around you to keep you being spiritually fed and to be around other believer's. Hope this helps.
@Willson_Almighty said in #26:
> well it depends if you are Christian. i know there a are different beliefs and all but really Christianity is the true one. if you are Christian you will go to heaven and live forever with god where there will be no crying no sadness no fighting or any bad thing. But otherwise you will go to hell and live in torment forever. i know it sounds crazy but its true and u got to believe that. Here are some steps to becoming a Christian: its as easy as ABC. A: Admit you are a sinner and repent and ask god to forgive you. B: Believe that God created us and wants to love us and that he died on the cross and rose again to save us. C: Confess that you are a sinner and turn your life around and maybe find a church or something around you to keep you being spiritually fed and to be around other believer's. Hope this helps.

Ah so you've been to hell and reported back or how do you know?
I have this feeling that we will visit our dreams and our nightmares and live it. I have dreams of mario and video games etc so i hope I spawn there after death

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